Celebrate Parents' Day with Ogawa

Ahad lepas, I was invited to Ogawa Heart Delights Event sempena Parents' Day.
Sebenarnya, beberapa minggu lepas aku ada join contest ogawa kat FB.
Dah addicted pulak aku mengjoin contest semenjak menang ipad harittewww.. Hekhek. By the way, contest ogawa kat FB tu senang je.
Just kena buat satu "message for parents" in 130 letters, in English and, in the most creative way lah.
Aku membantai la tulis ape jadah tah aku pon dah tak ingat.
Haha nampak sangat not from the heart. =P
During the contest period tu, aku tengok ade more than 1000 participants!
And "message for parents" yang diorang submit semuanya ayat power bombastic meletop-letop kebabom!!
Dalam hati aku, hmm dah kompom kalah la tu.
So aku dah taknak amik tau dah pasal contest tu.
Sambil berkata pada diri,"Vocab & grammar kau dah la terabur harem zadey" *down*
So aku terus unlike semula FB ogawa. Bahaha.

Tapi lepas beberapa hari, tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah Adlil Rajiah Mohd Nasir ogawa yang nampak. Kah kah kah
Aku dapat call from ogawa representative:

Ogawa: May I speak to Cik Adlil Rajiah? *pewwit CIK pewwittt*
Aku: Yes speaking.
Ogawa: I'm calling from Ogawa. I'd like to inform u that u're one of our finalists for Ogawa Heart Delights Contest. Congrats!
Aku: What? what? whatttt? Tapi saya dah unlike FB ogawa. -___-"
Ogawa: It's ok. U're still selected for the final round.
Aku: Oh ada final round rupanya. Ingatkan dah menang. *dasar tak sabar haha*
Ogawa: Indeed u're already the winner. But u have to go for the final round to detemine ur prize either 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th prize.
Aku: O ok. So how many of finalists will u have?
Ogawa: Four.
Aku: Just four? *dalam hati, baik takyah ada final round bagai. Haih*
Ogawa: Yes. Just four. Means, u're amongst the top 4! From more than a thousand contestants who had participate.
Aku: *berasa vangga sebentar* Ok, so tell me about the event tu.
Ogawa: The event will be held in penang (Queensbay Mall) at 2pm. Please be punctual. All the finalists will be asked some questions by the Ogawa's ambassador (Jack Lim). So u need to answer them spontaneously in the most creative way. And u'll be given 3 minutes to answer the questions.
Aku: Okayyyy..Ada soalan bocor tak?
Ogawa: Haha. Please wait until the event ok.
Aku: *boring la kau* Baiklah saya akan hadir.. -..-"

So Ahad lepas, pukol 1.45pm kitorang dah terpacak kat Queensbay Mall.
Terus ke central atrium, the event venue. Terus register.
Masa register tetiba aku nerbess tahap cipan kena letrik.
Sebab baru aku tahu I was the only malay amongst the finalists!
Yang lain semua chinese. And most of them were older than me.
Hmm..terus aku ajak hubby balik. Kunun dah give up la. Taknak compete dah.
Tapi hubby keras jugak suruh aku teruskan. For the sake of experience.
Hubby said,"Alaaa..rilek-rilek je. U're already the winner kan. Kalau takleh jawab soalan pon, kompom dapat hadiah yang last. Hadiah jugak kannnn.."

My bro (Adan) pon join sekaki.
Siap pakai baju sekolah bcoz lepas event ni kitorang terus hantar dia balik MCKK.

 Baby Haikal as the future Ogawa's Ambassador. Hahaha

Pukul 2.30pm, ogawa's representative bagi briefing sikit about the event.
Masa ni, lagi sekali aku down. 
Sebab the other contestants brought along their parents & siblings. 
Ramai parents & siblings kerumun-kerumun bagi support except mine. :'(
Dah la semua chinese. Kalau ade makcik pakcik Malay yang tercongok kat situ, boleh aku menumpang kasih. Haha
Maklom la ni kan contest sempena Parents' Day.
And all the questions were asked pon memang related to parents.

 Briefing by Eric, the Ogawa's representative.

Dalam pukul 3pm camtu, was the arrival of Ogawa's Ambassador, Jack Lim.
Time ni ramai yang berebut-rebut nak salam nak otograf segala.
Padahal aku tak kenal pong sapekah Jack Lim. Kah kah kah
Mungkin di kalangan Chinese, beliau ibarat Aaron Aziz la kot. -..-"

 Kau tengok la aku sorang je Malay kat situ.. :(
Rasa macam nak pakai topeng pon ade.

Lepas Jack Lim kenal-kenal dengan all the finalists, agenda pon bermula.
Jack Lim uji sorang demi sorang.
Aku makin nervous bila semua finalists bajet touching & emotional bila jawab soalan berkenaan parents diorang.
 Plus, parents diorang depan mata pon bantai mengalirkan air mata.

Hubby siap cakap, "Sayang pon bantai nanges la. Baru nampak telus dari hati."
Kah kah kah.
Aku pikir, dah la depan kalayak, memang tak la aku boleh drama nanges bagai.
Lagipon parents aku takde depan mata. So celah mana nak feel nya?
Until my name was called and I was the last one to be tested.

Jack Lim: Hi Puan Rajiah. *shakes hand* So u're married? Have kids?
Aku: Yes. Married and got one kid. 
Jack Lim: How old is he or she?
Aku: He's 6 months old.
Jack Lim: I see. So whom do u come with? Are your parents around?
Aku: Unfortunately no. They're not able to come bcoz they stay in Shah Alam.
Jack Lim: Why oh whyyyy.. But never mind. U can ask ur parents to check out our FB later and watch u in the pics/video ok?
Aku: Sure I will. 
Jack Lim: So here is the question. Please listen carefully. If u were given a chance to express  ur feelings or gratitude towards ur parents, what would u say? Please share with us.

Jawapan aku, sila tengok video ni.. ;P

Thanks Adan tolong record video ni. Hihi.

My answer was..
After I got married and became a parent, I began to realize how loving the parents can be. I began to understand why do parents cry over their children's pain or disappointment. Actually, there's no word in the universe can really describe how thankful I am, how grateful I am, to have my mom & dad as parents in life. In fact, if I try to name every single thing in the universe, they're still  not enough, not comparable to my parents' sacrifice, love, hugs, kisses and every single thing they've done for me & my siblings. All I can say is I LOVE U, MAMA & AYAH and WILL ALWAYS LOVE U FOREVER.

It was reallyyyy unbelievable that I was touched and cried spontaneously after the Jack Lim's question. Masa aku jawab soalan tu, I was so damn telus. 

 Muka emo. Takmo senyum walau kamera beratur depan muka. 
Malu malu maluuuuu!
Dalam hati, "Apsal kau nanges tadiiiii!!! Dush Dush Dush!"

Tak lama lepas tu, was the prize-giving ceremony and unfortunately I didn't win the 1st prize. Walaupon jawapan dah telus. Kah kah kah.

 So I just won this head massager by Ogawa. 
Boleh la urut kepala bila tension baca journals sok. :P

Tak pon urut kepala budak ni kalau dia buat perangai. Kih kih kih

So itu la pengalaman pertama aku masuk final round contest bagai ape tah.
Tak kuasa haih.
Tapi agak rugi sebab tak invite Mama & Daddy sekali.
Kalau depa ada depan mata masa tu, gamaknya aku dah berlari peluk depa kot. Huhu
Tapi takpe lah at least I have Adan.
Maybe dia faham perasaan aku masa bagi speech tu bcoz we share the same parents kan. :)

p/s: Actually there's something really bad bad bad happened during the event. But not to be mentioned here. Maklom la pilihanraya dah dekat kannn.. Kang kena buang negeri pulak aku. ;)
Sump*h cin* k*t Pen*ng mem*ng r*cist giler n*k m*mposss! 


yaNa said...

tahniah sis!

dari sisi hidupku said...

tahniak akak.saya pon terharu n menangis.syahdu nya ayat akak.klo ada parents depan mata comfirm menang ni.

Ji Yan said...

btw..tahniah lah jgk ye dear..at least berani jgk la masok contest tu..=)

Kak Sophia said...

Nahh it's okay my whole life was surrounded by Chinese.No lie. They can be sometimes very awesome but sometimes ehem2 tu. After all everythg went well kan? Elehh you didnt bring your parents pun but still you got ASYRAF HAIKAL w you. Adakah mereka ada baby si demok dan sihat kurnian Allah itu? Hahaha. Dont be sad you got IPAD * MAJOR Jealous :)

Ewa Zallie said...

1st thing first congrates sbb kemenangan berganda wlpn yg second tu sedikit kecil hadiahnya :P

i tot kan, u dpt pg round final tu diorg saja kunun2 xnmpk r*cist tu . so bad lah depa.cehhh

the important one to say : we've got the same bajuuuuuu! kehkehkeh




dari sisi hidupku,
haha. ye la tu.. :P

takut-takut berani je tu. haha

kak sophia,
yes its true. masa zaman sekolah (kat shah alam) i ramai jugak kawan chinese. takde pape masalah pon. tapi bila mai penang ni, they're a bit diff. maybe penang is their territory kot. lantaq depa nak buat lagu mana. Huhu. tapi tang ashraf haikal tu, depa duk berebut-rebut nak gomoi haikal jugak masa contest tu. haha

wewwwittt..baju sama!!!!! bila nak ketemu nih? boleh boria pakai baju sama. ;D

Anonymous said...

wahh congratz!!

comelnyee baby tuu mate dia bulat sgt ^^