Today, he's twenty-eight!

A birthday is always special for everyone.
And I love making people feel really special and happy on their birthday.
What more if the birthday boy is the person I love most in the whole universe..

 He's turning 28 y.o. Oh dah tua rupanya! =P

Sebenarnya, I was planning to buat small BBQ kat tepi pantai.
Bcoz he always loved to lepak-lepak at the beach.
Tapi plan hancusss since I was too occupied with my research in USM.
So aku try la jugak to find a place to makan-makan on his birthday eve.

Ko bayangkan aku yang tengah membuyung ni terkejar-kejar hopped from a place to another. Gara-gara nak siapkan jugak labwork cepat-cepat, and balik cepat to book tempat nak celebrate segala.
Dah macam penguin menggelabah jalan laju-laju. -.-
Fortunately, sempat jugak aku booked tempat, beli cake segala.
Walaupon terpaksa jalan tercungap-cungap. 

 Kenapa bini kena menyempit kat sebelah birthday boy dalam setiap gambar?? Annoying pelissss!

 This is hubby's first birthday yang kitorang pernah sambut together.
Bcoz tahun sebelum ni, 21st June 2010, was hari kitorang kawen, hari bersanding rumah lelaki. hehe. So our anniversary and hubby's birthday dekat-dekat la. Eh, perlu bagitau eh?? :P

 Nak tergelak aku tengok hubby's reaction last night.
He was obviously surprised bila staf-staf kedai tu datang bawak kek sambil nyanyi lagu birthday. =D

 And this is the co-culprit, who helped me arranged the surprise..
 Thanks dik, for helping me and willing to spend time with us!

 Muka aku jadi camtu sebab hubby said, "Thank u soo much, sayang. Cepat la abang mati camni. Asik kena heart attack (surprised) je."  haha ;P

To my beloved husband, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Semoga lebih bahagia, matang dan dimurahkan rezeki dalam hidup.
Since Father's Day tahun ni selang sehari je dari your birthday, kita merge je la dua-dua celebrations jadi satu. Aci tak?? Heheh. 

p/s: Abang tanya mana Father's Day present untuk abang kan? Ada!! It's still with me. I'm carrying it everywhere I go. Bcoz it's in my tummy. Bulan 11 ni, sayang bagi ye. =)


Hanis MY said...

sweet dan romantika nyer mempelai ni... semoga bahagia dunia akhirat, otanjyoubi omedetou juga buat encik suami

Unknown said...

uhuhu! epy bufday! nampak dah perut ko tu, comel! aku ni kecik bebeno perutnyer lagi adehhh... :)


erm boleh celebrate bday sekali ngan hubby aunty..:ppp...happy birthday hafify...moga ceria 'sokmo' both of u


hanis my,
thank uuuu...korang pon ape kurangnya! macam belangkas! :))

tu bukan perut berisi baby, tapi lemak je yang lebihhh hahah

oh birthday sama rupanya! :) happy birthday to uncle zaidi too!

Lissa said...

alalalalalalala.sweetnyeeeee..semoga bahagia yer.mesti ta sbr kan tunggu baby kuar.bestnyeee dpt suami yang penyanyang:)

nur aisya humaira said...

hepy befday utk ur husband..:)

sweet je jawb present fathers day tu..haha

Niena Muhammad said...

hehehe.. comel je mak buyung :)
kakak kte kalo mengandung pn camtu la jln

Niena Muhammad said...

hehehe.. comel je mak buyung :)
kakak kte kalo mengandung pn camtu la jln


thank u!! sangat tak sabar okayy.. sekarang pon baby bergerak sakan. setiap masa i wonder ape la baby tu buat kat dalam. :P

nur aisya,
heheh tu jawapan nak ngelat beli hadiah la.. :D

orang lain tgk mmg la comel. tapi orang yang tgh buyung tu, sempottttt!! ;P

Mohd Sukur Ibrahim said...

romantik..rasa nak kawin cepat2...

Bardboo said...

weh, hang dh tembam!! sweet..teringt plak zaman aku ngandung, tembam camnie gaks..

isabelle said...

yay yay..jiji dah gemok!!!

Anonymous said...

kalau ikut kan sebenar nye lelaki lg extra vaganza suke suprise2 ni... cume diorg tu ego je kan kan kan